Trivia Events

The Play Quiz Bowl Guy Remembering Show is an occasional sports-themed live trivia event in which guests are encouraged to remember various groups of guys across various categories. Do you remember who was on the court for the game-winning shot of the 2019 Eastern Conference Finals, or players who won multiple World Series with the 2010s Giants? This is the show for you! Games are held sporadically via our Twitch channel, with dates and times being announced on our social media pages.

PQB has produced dozens of games of Pub Quiz Bowl, a fun and fast-paced online bar trivia event! While games are no longer being produced, info on the format is below.
Each game consists of 20 “Pub Quiz Bowl”-style questions, which act as a mix of a typical trivia night and pyramidal quiz bowl. Each question lasts 90 seconds and has three clues, which are added one by one every 30 seconds. The number of points you get (up to 3 per question) depends on how quickly you answer and how few clues you need. Do you want to take chance for more points or play it safe? The choice is yours! Games were played via our Twitch channel.
Pub Quiz Bowl FAQ
Q: How do I play Pub Quiz Bowl?
A: All you need is an internet connection and, if you’d like, a few friends to play with. Tune in to this Twitch channel to watch as the questions are given, and follow the instructions in the chat for how to submit your answers (you can enter !answers into the chat to be given the link to the answer sheets). You’ll need your own group chat, such as a Discord or Facebook Messenger call, to communicate amongst your teammates.
Q: Does it cost anything to play Pub Quiz Bowl?
A: No, there is no entry fee or other sort of registration to play. However, we do accept and encourage donations so that our team can be compensated for the time that goes into putting on this event every week.
Q: What other rules does Pub Quiz Bowl have?
A: As with pretty much all bar trivia or other academic competition events, answers must come from your brains and not from anywhere else – Googling answers or anything of the like is cheating and is strictly forbidden. Players are also expected to be respectful to each other in the Twitch chat window, and may not use the chat to discuss active questions or reveal answers.
Q: Who is producing and running Pub Quiz Bowl?
A: The weekly show is hosted and directed by Play Quiz Bowl’s owners, Danny and Erik, respectively. Questions are written by Danny and Erik, as well as by trivia champions Dan Burgess and Samantha Ross, who also assist behind the scenes during the show.
Q: How does Pub Quiz Bowl compare to the game of quiz bowl?
A: Our “Pub Quiz Bowl” round emulates the pyramidality of quiz bowl tossups and awards more points to earlier answers. More generally, Pub Quiz Bowl aims to maintain a fast pace, and to use a good quiz bowl philosophy in its questions. This means we intend to focus on relevant topics, rewarding depth of knowledge, and shying away from multiple choice, true/false, and overly trivial question content.
Q: Do you get anything for winning?
A: Not at this time, no (but you never know what might happen).