Question Sets
Play Quiz Bowl LLC produces multiple pop culture tournament sets per year. If you’re interested in hosting a tournament using Play Quiz Bowl questions, please contact Erik Nelson.
Regular Question Sets
ACRONYM, our flagship set, is an easy-level set of tossups and bonuses with pop culture and sports questions. The set’s contents are aimed primarily at high school players, but are made with an approach intended to make the questions fun and accessible for players at all ages and levels. PQB and its members have produced ACRONYM in its current form for over a decade – the most recent set, ACRONYM 16, is available for mirrors as of February 2023.
Super ACRONYM is designed to be an “open level” (in other words, much harder) alternative to ACRONYM. It is produced every other year, alternating with the similarly difficult Chicago Open Trash. The most recent iteration, Super ACRONYM 4, is available for mirrors as of August 2023.
Special Sets
ACRO-Demia is in all-tossup set in which all answer lines are topics from the academic quiz bowl canon (historical figures, novels, paintings, and so forth). A second ACRO-Demia set is in the works.
TOEJAM is a set of eight-round, all-tossup set about video games. Three TOEJAM sets were produced, all of which are available online (see below).
SNICK is a ten-round, all-tossup set centered entirely on pop culture of the 1990s. A sequel to SNICK was announced in 2021, but plans for this have since been scrapped.
In addition to pyramidal quiz bowl sets, PQB also produces occasional trivia events.
Previous Sets
Many of PQB’s previous sets are now available for free at the links below. If you read and enjoy these sets and wish to thank the content creators, please consider donating to the Bounceback Foundation.
ACRONYM (easy/high-school level pop culture)
ACRONYM X (2017)
ACRONYM 11 (2018)
ACRONYM 12 (2019)
ACRONYM 13 (2020)
ACRONYM 14 (2021)
ACRONYM 15 (2022)
Super ACRONYM (open/hard level pop culture)
Super ACRONYM (2017)
Super ACRONYM 2 (2019)
Super ACRONYM 3 (2021)
Other Sets
ACRO-Demia (Pop culture with academic answer lines)
SNICK (All-tossups, all 1990s-centric)
TOEJAM (All-tossups, video game themed)
TOEJAMANDEARL (video games)
TOEJAM III (video games)